Monday, October 31, 2011

It is a Burn or a Cut or a Scrape

I am not sure.  It does not hurt.  I have no memory of when it happened, sometime yesterday.  I didn't notice it until I went to bed last night.
   So it is an excuse to talk about neuropathy today?  It is probably a little worse than I describe it.  My main method of dealing with neuropathy is to ignore it as much as possible.  I do take a vocodine first thing in the morning and the last thing at night but this just takes the edge off, reduces my focus on my hands and allows me to do stuff during the day.
   It has been a year and a half since my last "chemo" and this is my on going souvenir, the only reminder that I once had cancer.  It is mostly in my hands and it is very hard to describe.  Conflicting messages.  Like being asleep, like being electrocuted, like stirring a bucket full of cut glass, that is it mostly.  It travels up my forearm and while not as intense, it leaves them a bit numb.  No pain there just not what they used to be, not sensitive to the touch.
   I would describe the bottoms of my feet the same way, no pain, just a bit numb.  I could walk on coals.
My Voodoo Doctor tells me that a nerve cell can be four feet long and take along time to grow, to heal.  He says that in eight years I will be a lot better.  My regular Doctor tells me that in eight years I will be used to this.  Either way there is hope, huh?
 A wound in the shop
   I don't think about this very much.  It would be consuming and I could easily become the pain that I am left with.

My other Blog is Here


  1. Hi Jerry,

    I don't know if you're putting anything onto your 'cut' but if you can get some 100% lavender oil, (has to be 100% with nothing added) it is an EXCELLENT healer.
    I tend to burn myself frequently (not in a self harming way - lol) on my oven in the kitchen because I'm totally careless at times.
    I keep a bottle of lavender oil handy and a few drops used neat will heal in days.
    Works on cuts, burns, grazes etc.

    Hope your neuropathy eases as time goes by. I have no cure for that, unfortunately.


  2. That sure does look painful but I often end up with such marks on my arms and legs and like you cannot remember when or where they happened probably because i was so engrossed in something else at the time. Have a great New Year my good friend.
